Sunday, December 04, 2005

Half day off

I'd planned on writing all day to finish my novella, but the SO, who was supposed to work, took the afternoon off and we took the kids to see Harry Potter. It was good--though I have to admit I'm a fan of the books and usually would prefer not to see a movie if I've read the book. I did enjoy it, though, and the kids loved it, so all in all it was a fun afternoon. I'm going to write for a little while now, before they go to bed and I settle in for one of my 3 hours of TV a week. *g* But I don't plan on getting much done. I have a sex scene to write, and those always seem to take me a while to get right. Have a great night, everyone!


Leila Brown said...

Hope you enjoyed your TV time. What did you watch?

Elisa said...

LOL...I watched Desperate Housewives. A definite guilty pleasure for me. The other 2 shows I watch on a regular basis are Supernatural and Ghost Hunters.