Tuesday, November 22, 2005

NaNoWriMo update and setting goals

First: My interview with Sharon Cullen is up on my website. Sharon is a really talented romantic suspense author. Be sure to check it out. As for NaNo...haven't written a word on that book all week. I've been working on a contemporary novella and a super hot, super short story. I'm still hoping to get the NaNo book finished by the end of the month, and I'm still on target for the 50k word count. We'll see what happens. I sat down over the weekend and wrote up my list of daily, weekly, and monthly writing goals to carry me through until February. I find that it helps keep me organized and on target if I treat it like a work schedule. Every day, 6 days a week (or 7 if I have a hard deadline), I have a list of things I need to accomplish before I go to bed. Anything writing-related goes on my goal sheet--usually 2 chapters per day, critiques for my critique partners, organizing files and updating my website. It keeps me on task--and also gives me a reminder of what I've accomplished each month. That way if I feel I haven't had a productive month I can go back and see what I've done and make the necessary changes for the next month. Probably overkill *g*, but it works for me. For the writers out there, do you set goals? If so, how do you do it?


Leila Brown said...

My problem is not in the setting of the goals, but more in the acheivement of them. :>

Anonymous said...

I don't have written goals, but more mental goals. Like last month I started my next romantic suspense and wanted the first draft finished by Thanksgiving. Reached that. My next goal is to work on the second draft and have it polished and ready to send to my agent by the end of January. That's my carved in stone goal. In reality I'd like the second draft finished by the end of the year. However, I'm not pushing it. Not with Christmas.

So, long post short (g). I don't write my goals but I do have them in the back of my mind.

Maybe I should be a little more organized. Hmmm.

Okay, my word verification is armwx. Is it me or does everyone think of armwaxing? Ewww. Gross!