Saturday, September 10, 2005

The stories that just flow

I started a short story last night (A quickie for Ellora's Cave that will probably end up at about 12k) not expecting much. Within two hours I'd written 3,000 words. Now, this morning, I'm almost up to 5,000. It's been a long time since anything has flowed this well, and I'm kind of excited about it. I love when this sort of thing happens. I'd set my goal completion date for Tuesday but I may actually have this done tonight, freeing up a couple of extra days for the next project, a rewrite of a women's fiction/chick lit book I'll be submitting to Cerridwen Press. I don't usually work weekends, but the hubby is in New Orleans right now doing morgue duty and I really, really need the distraction. Have a great weekend everyone! Lis

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