Friday, March 03, 2006

Goals and a little news

If anyone's been watching the meter in the sidebar, you've noticed the red line is getting a little longer--but only half as fast as I've been shooting for. Have I reached my goals any day this week? No. But that's okay. It's been a busy week for me, and I managed to add almost 100 pages to OZ. The big goal is looking less and less possible, though, after missing the little goals all week. 90k by next Friday. Think I can do it? I suppose it depends on how much sleep I want to get. *g* And for the news: I just signed contracts on 4 new books for Samhain Publishing. They're all connected to Reality Check, so I'm pretty excited to get started with writing them. :) I'm going to be doing website updates this week, so I'll try to get some blurbs up on the coming soon page.

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