Monday, October 03, 2005


I started outlining a year or so ago, when my editor asked for a synopsis of what I was working on next. Having an outline worked well for that book, and I was able to finish it in less than a month. A former pantster who never outlined anything before writing, I decided to start outlining everything I wrote in hopes of making the story easier to write. But lately I've noticed a flaw in that system--when I outline, I don't want to finish the book. My critique parter described this perfectly--with the outline written, it's like the story has been told and there's no real urgency to write the book. I know outlining works really well for a lot of people, but I'm not one of them. As much as I tried to make myself more organized by plotting the story before I start, I generally find myself unable to write the story once I know what's going to happen at the end. So, I'm back to my original system of just writing and seeing what happens as I go along. I still envy the people who are organized enough to be able to write an outline, though. *g* For all you writers out there, do you outline first or write as you go? Have you ever tried it the other way? Lis


Leila Brown said...

I've tried it both ways. If I don't outline sometimes I hit a point where I just don't know what should happen next. This could last a few hours, few days, or longer. But if I outline at least I have a point to work towards. If I keep it in the final draft or not is an entirely different story.

I usually only lose the urgency to write the story if I talk about it to someone. So I am usally quiet until I finish or nearly finish the entire thing.

But that is just me :>


Anonymous said...

Being that critique partner you mentioned, I had to comment here. NO! I do not outline. Tried it once. The story still isn't written. So that should tell you (or me) something. Right now I'm deep into my next story. Started with an opening scene, didn't even have the name of the heroine until chapter 7. Outline? I need an outline??

Hey, Jenny Cruisie doesn't outline either, so I consider ourselves in good company. (g)


Elisa said...

I usually only lose the urgency to write the story if I talk about it to someone. So I am usally quiet until I finish or nearly finish the entire thing.

That's a really neat observation, Maria.


Elisa said...

Hey, Jenny Cruisie doesn't outline either, so I consider ourselves in good company. (g)

Most definitely. :)
