Friday, September 30, 2005
I got a peek at the cover. It's *exactly* what I asked for--my favorite scene in the story. I don't have a large version yet, but you can see what it looks like here. It's the first one in the third row.
The book will be available in a couple of weeks.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Quiet today
Not much happening around here. I got a little bit of writing done, but now that I've had time to sit down and think about it, I'm probably going to scrap the whole thing and start over. I just wasn't getting anywhere with it, and I think I know why. It's going to be a novella, and the way it was going would have made it too long and meandering. I think I've come up with a really interesting plot twist, so we'll see what happens.
The kids and I are leaving in a little while to go pick up their instruments for school band. One clarinet and one trumpet. I think this might be the last afternoon we have peace and quiet for a good long while. *g*
Monday, September 26, 2005
New Look
Being the Gemini that I am, I have a hard time sticking to one website design for too long, so I've done some work on my site and revamped my blog to match. I'd love to hear your opinions on it.
Lis :)
Friday, September 23, 2005
The glamorous life...
Not! *g*
Ants have invaded my kids' cereal boxes in my pantry. They haven't touched anything else, but my son poured himself a bowl of Cheerios this morning and found ants in the bowl along with the cereal. Gross. The box tops were closed and the bags rolled down, but I found ants in 5 cereal boxes. I had to go out today and replace all the cereal, plus buy plastic containers to keep the cereal in, in hopes of keeping the little creatures out. My very picky middle child had Ritz crackers for breakfast since there was nothing else in the house he liked. *g*
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Website updates
I've posted this month's contest on my website. This month one reader will win a download of Dark Promises: Midnight. Since the last book in the series will be out next month, I thought it was fitting to give the first book in the series away as a prize.
Also, the new Featured Author spot is up. This month I grilled... er, interviewed, Phyllis Marie Campbell.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
The cover for Grave Silence

Tuesday, September 20, 2005
To critique, or not to critique...
This is a very controversial subject in certain writing circles. *g* The good thing about critique groups, and critiques in general, is that it helps you polish your work before you send it out into tbe big, bad world of publishing. The bad thing about critiques is that they're very subjective and can be harmful to the story you're telling.
Critique groups can be an invaluable resource for learning the mechanics of writing. But inexperienced critiquers can over-critique, changing your voice to their own and making the story lose its heart. There has to be a balance between negative comments and positive ones, and the critiquer's style has to mesh with your own or else you won't be gaining anything much from the critiques.
Support is so important in this career. There are too many letdowns--and high points non-writers don't understand--to go it alone. I have a terrific group of authors that I work with now for my mainstream manuscripts. (I still have yet to find someone brave enough to read my erotic stuff LOL) We critique each other's work for plot holes and inconsistencies, and we brainstorm when someone needs a little help. We also cheer for each other when things are looking up, provide a shoulder to cry on when someone gets bad news, and give a kick in the rear when someone starts to get down on themselves. For me, this works. I get the advice I need from people I trust, people who get my voice and my style. If they tell me that my ms needs work, I know it probably does.
Okay, I'm stepping off my soapbox now. *g*
I'm a little behind on website updates, but the featured author page for this month will be up in the next few days.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Auction to help Larissa Ione
There's still time to bid on items to help author Larissa Ione, who lost everything to hurricane Katrina. I've donated a critique, and one of my critique partners, Marjorie Jones, has donated her designing services for a 10 page website. The entire list of what's available can be viewed here.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
I watched the show in Tuesday night and loved it. That's exactly my kind of show. I love anything paranormal, the darker the better. Rescue Me just ended for the season, so it'll be nice to have something else to watch on Tuesday nights.
I don't watch a lot of TV, maybe 2 or 3 shows every season, but this one will be on my Must Watch list along with Desperate Housewives and maybe Reunion, if the next few episodes are as interesting as the first.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
New featured author coming up
On my website. This month the featured author is Phyllis Campbell. If you haven't had a chance to check out my interview with Rayka Mennen yet, it'll only be up for a little while longer so hop on over and take a look.
Also, the new issue of the Sirens newsletter will be going out tomorrow. If you're not a member and would like to join, click here to join the Sensual Romances Yahoo group.
Lis :)
Saturday, September 10, 2005
The stories that just flow
I started a short story last night (A quickie for Ellora's Cave that will probably end up at about 12k) not expecting much. Within two hours I'd written 3,000 words. Now, this morning, I'm almost up to 5,000. It's been a long time since anything has flowed this well, and I'm kind of excited about it. I love when this sort of thing happens.
I'd set my goal completion date for Tuesday but I may actually have this done tonight, freeing up a couple of extra days for the next project, a rewrite of a women's fiction/chick lit book I'll be submitting to Cerridwen Press. I don't usually work weekends, but the hubby is in New Orleans right now doing morgue duty and I really, really need the distraction.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Night Creatures is now available
From Changeling Press.
For most of her life, nightmares have plagued Juliana McGovern. Twisted, erotic dreams where monsters urge her to join them in their terrifying rituals. When she moves back to the small New England town she grew up in, the nightmares get worse. Stranger still is the sudden appearance in the dreams of Max Parker, the man she left behind when she moved out of Davenport ten years earlier. Every night, the nightmare creatures get closer. It’s only a matter of time before they pull her into their world. And Max, the one man she thinks she can trust, has a few deadly secrets of his own.
Click here to see the cover, done by Bryan Keller, and read an excerpt.
I've also done a few updates to my website. There are only two more days left to enter this month's contest, so if you haven't entered already be sure to drop me an email.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
A few ways to help
The devastation from Katrina is just horrible. So many lives ruined and lost. So many people with nothing left. My husband is in Mississippi doing what he can to help, and the stories he's telling me are heartbreaking. Here's a short list of links. If anyone has others, feel free to email them to me at and I'll add them to the list.
Author JC Wilder is in Houma, LA to help with the relief efforts. She's in need of funds to buy clothing and other items needed for the victims. For more information and to find out how to contribute, visit her website.
Visit The Red Cross online to make a donation.
The Network for Good is also taking donations to help the victims.
Noah's Wish is an organization that helps animals during disasters. They've set up a distaster animal shelter in Slidell, LA. Visit their Katrina page for information on how to donate.
Code 3 Associates is another organization that helps animals during times of disaster.
Author Nora Roberts is matching funds donated to Habitat for Humanity for victims.
Author Charlene Teglia is offering her romantic comedy, Catalyst, for $2.00 directly from her website and is donating 100% of the profits to the relief efforts.
Help for author Charlotte Dillon
Help for author Larissa Ione
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Peaceful night
Lately those have been few and far between. The kids are watching TV for a little while before bedtime, I've finished up my writing a little early tonight, and I'm just enjoying the quiet while it lasts.
I hope everyone has a good weekend.
Lis :)
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